23 Sigma Male Traits You Should Follow

23 Sigma Male Traits You Should Follow

“It is okay for men to be weak.” 

“Men are meant to be submissive.” 

“It is okay not to take care of your body.” 

“Wanting to have muscles makes you fatphobic.” 

The sad truth about our society today is that it has forced men to believe that what made them men in the past no longer works in this society. We see men falling back in success, taking the backseat, staying a lazy person, and splurging on the unnecessary. 

It is time to break this circle of complacency and start inhabiting these 23 sigma male traits that will make you more successful, influential, and a better person. Without further ado, let’s get right to it. 

Trait #1: Sigma Males Are Lone Wolves 

Many of us are afraid to be alone. When we find ourselves alone in a coffee house, we immediately look at our surroundings to see if anyone noticed. 

What many men fail to understand is that there is nothing wrong with being alone. There is a very big difference between being alone and being lonely

The more successful you become, the lesser people you will have in your close circle of friends. As you mature in your career, make sure that you surround yourselves with people better than you, those who you aspire to be, those who can teach you to become better. 

If none of these people meet your very high expectations, it is better to remain by yourself, and improve yourself, until you find people worthy of your time. 

In other words, being alone is a strength. Be comfortable in working out alone, eating out alone, celebrating alone, working alone, and eventually finding yourself at the top of a pedestal alone. 

Trait #2: Sigma Males Do Not Rely on Anybody 

“I did not succeed because of my boss.” 

“I failed my exam because my professor sucks at teaching.” 

“I did not become rich because the company does not pay well.” 

“I do not have time to work out.” 

“I do not have time for another gig.” 

Weak men tend to blame every misfortune on everyone but themselves; the economy, their past experiences, the people in their lives, all are supposed conduits to their failures except themselves. 

There is a very wise saying that goes something like this: being born like this is not your fault, but dying this way is. 

In other words, sigma males realize that everything in their lives that is in their control is designed to bring them success. That means that every mistake does not belong to anyone but themselves. Every pain is a result from a bad choice that they made. 

The sooner that men accept this, the quicker it will be to move on, the faster it will be to become better. If one does nothing but pout at the supposed suspect for this pain, they will spend the rest of their days hating them rather than becoming better. 

For example, everyone has 24 hours in a day, yet sigma males have found time early in the morning to go for a run or work on a small passion business. Despite the vast challenges of a very strict college professor, sigma males take it upon themselves to study the material beforehand, review during their recess, and eventually be ready for the exam even before their classmates. 

Rather than blaming their poverty on the economy, sigma males take it upon themselves to earn amidst the difficulties, either by climbing the ranks of their corporation, building a business for themselves, investing, or renting out a small property to a customer.

A sigma male does not rely on a woman to get the necessary satisfaction, affirmation, or motivation to do anything. On the contrary, he gains the motivation from his own self-reliance.  

Trait #3: Sigma Males Always Explores and Tries Something New 

Surprisingly, sigma males are never contented with staying where they are. 

Despite the successful businesses of Elon Musk, he was still willing to risk all his capital, riches, and relationships to revolutionize space exploration. 

Despite the inspiring physique of David Goggins, he continues to run miles in the scorching heat or in the freezing winter. He never fails to challenge himself either with a heavy weight around his back or exploring other dreams like writing a book. 

You may think that you are happy where you are, you are comfortable, you are already probably living a very luxurious lifestyle, and everything is spoon-fed to you. 

But the truth is that you will never be able to grow if you do not leave your comfort zone. You will never be able to be the best runner if you do not run that extra mile. You will never be that amazing student if you do not study longer and harder than the others in your class. You will never be rich if you simply rely on one steady stream of income. 

This is why you see very rich millionaires like Elon Musk who are not contented with one successful business. Despite the successful records by Eliud Kipchoge, he took on the challenge of breaking the fastest marathon run that nobody has beaten to this date. 

If you truly want to be successful, do more. 

Trait #4: The Sigma Male Is Silent 

Most of the time, the sigma male remains silent amidst interactions. Do not mistake silence for weakness or timidity. On the contrary, silence in a sigma male is usually their strongest characteristic. Here are a few reasons why. 

The sigma male does not need to prove himself to anyone, does not necessarily need to assert himself in every interaction. In moments when he realizes that anything he says will not reach any ears, his silence speaks volumes. 

In social interactions, when many people are talking all at once, it is usually the silent sigma male that will gain the people’s attention when he speaks. At the same time, silence allows the sigma male to filter all the important information among fluff to develop the most insightful words. 

Trait #5: The Sigma Male Is Comfortable in His Skin 

We usually become our harshest critics, finding all the insecurities before everyone else finds them. However, many of the people we meet will not even recognize these insecurities.

We are not saying that sigma males do not have any insecurities. But sigma males do not dwell on these insecurities but focus heavily on their strengths and positive attributes. 

The sigma male finds these positive attributes and highlights it to the best of their ability until these features are all the people will see. 

This skill usually comes from understanding that you do not need the validation of any unimportant person. In fact, the short-term praises desired by normal people are not the validation sought by sigma males. 

Instead, the sigma male loves himself and realizes his unbreakable identity. This identity radiates through him until his insecurities become immaterial to himself and everyone else. 

Trait #6: Sigma Males Are Influencers 

Sigma males are usually the iconic images that others want to aspire for. Because of these, their achievements, reputation, and career usually become the benchmark of excellence among other men. 

Sigma males do not necessarily need to be leaders of large corporations, politicians, or YouTube content creators. Successful males usually do not need to project their authority to the rest of the world. 

Instead, the sigma male’s behavior emanates through their action, attracting attention with every step, action, speech, or behavior. 

Trait #7: Sigma Males Are Not Usually Bound by Societal Norms 

Society demands a lot from men — requiring men to have fancy degrees, to climb the traditional corporate ladder, to become a corporate slave, to graduate a lousy degree required by the parents. 

As stated before, sigma males do not feel satisfaction by remaining where they are, following the herd, doing what everyone else has been doing for years. 

On the contrary, you do not need to follow what everyone else has been doing to become successful. It is those males who choose to venture out of their comfort zone that experience the largest return on the risk they made. 

If you truly want to be remembered in the life you live, pursue the dream you are called to, not the dream of your friends, parents, or lover. Block out any voice that tells you how difficult your dream is or how much you fail to achieve these dreams. 

The sigma male is not bound by anyone’s rules but his own. 

Trait #8: Sigma Males Does Not Listen to Useless Voices 

Regardless of whatever stage you are in, you will always have people to tell you that you cannot do it, people who will discourage you, who will tell you how impossible your dream is. 


Because they cannot stand you becoming better than them. The people are so jealous about the success you made that they want to bring you down to their level so they can feel better about themselves. 

There is no way for you to achieve the things you want to achieve when you keep listening to these useless voices. 

The sigma male trusts in his own thoughts and feelings, makes decisions based on his skills and passion rather than what the world says. 

If you follow this trait, you will find yourself accomplishing more things than you expected. You will find yourself blocking out more judgement, funny looks, and sarcastic comments. 

In the same way, make sure that you build your knowledge in various skills to bring you to your desired goal. There are numerous YouTube videos, content creators, and various masterclasses to teach you everything you need to know to get to your desired goal. 

Trait #9: Emotional Intelligence Is a Must 

Sigma males avoid drama, de-escalating conflicts whenever they arise, and stands up for themselves when people attack him. 

Aside from that, sigma males focus on the things they control rather than the things they can’t to provide the most optimal solution for that specific situation. 

Emotional intelligence also allows the sigma male to read the emotions of the people he loves. For example, the sigma male can listen to the needs of his partner and adjust his behavior to serve her.  

Emotional intelligence does not necessarily require utmost dominance in whichever area of his life. Rather, the sigma male can adjust his behavior to the situation, making him more appealing and approachable to everyone. 

Trait #10: Self-Motivation and Self-Driven 

As stated before, self-motivation is vitally important to ensure that the sigma male remains effective and efficient despite doing most of these things in the dead of night, alone, and sometimes in pain. 

Many sigma males usually do not need to enter high corporate roles or leadership positions. On the contrary, sigma males are contented with working alone to reach his goals. 

Sigma males have no need to tell the world about the goals they are achieving. 

The best satisfaction of sigma males is seeing the reactions of those around him when he finally reaches these goals. 

Trait #11: The Sigma Male Is Successful in All Aspects of His Life 

Success usually depends on the person. 

For the sigma male, he does not intend to be successful in only one part of his life. On the contrary, the sigma male aspires to succeed in all parts of his life. 

      • Career: The sigma male advances in his career by working on his dreams relentlessly, not necessarily bound by any societal expectation. 

      • Relationships: The sigma male is capable of maintain the relationships that means the most to him (i.e., children, wife, parents, siblings, friends). 

      • Finance: Because of the sigma male’s prudent spending, he has more money to spend on the things that matter. 

      • Character: The sigma male should be able to become the best version of himself that many people aspire to become. 

    Not being successful in one of these aspects does not automatically discredit you as a sigma male. However, sigma males constantly work on these aspects to experience a wholistic transformation of the self. 

    Trait #12: Sigma Males Do Not Always Look for Commitment 

    Just because sigma males are emotionally available does not always mean that they seek commitment. Sigma males usually enjoy their freedom, living in solace, and usually take a rather long discernment process before they choose a commitment. 

    But because of his emotional intelligence, the sigma male does not experience any unwanted rejection, heartache, or disappointment. By choosing the right person, the sigma male can devote most of his time and his emotional availability. 

    Most of the time, the sigma male will choose a partner who is compatible to his lifestyle. 

    Trait #13: Sigma Males Are Charming 

    Despite the silence, stoic looks, and the occasional loneliness, many people notice his charms before everything else. 

    For some reason, sigma males attract almost everyone around him, utilizing his emotional intelligence to make each person feel listened to and appreciated. 

    Trait #14: Sigma Males Are Mysterious 

    In line with their charm, many people find sigma males mysterious, especially in the way they live their private life. The sigma male’s characteristic usually fuels people’s curiosity, making these kinds of males very desirable. 

    Despite how private they are about what happens inside their home, he is usually an open book to the people they trust. Surprisingly, the traits they exude to the rest of the world is usually the same as what you would see indoors. 

    Trait #15: Sigma Males Are Great Listeners 

    What makes sigma males very good company is their silence, how they allow those around them to express themselves before giving his opinion. 

    Sigma males understand that many of the people around them are only looking for consolation, for someone to listen to their problems and not necessarily solve their issue. Because of this, sigma males use their emotional intelligence to discern the kind of friend they need. 

    More importantly, sigma males give you their complete undivided attention throughout the interaction until you are satisfied. This trait makes sigma males very attractive and desirable compared to the others. 

    Trait #16: Sigma Males Can Be Leaders if Necessary  

    Sigma males usually do not need to be leaders to get the satisfaction they are looking for in their lives. But if they must, sigma males usually become very good leaders, capable of solving complex problems, and making their colleagues feel listened to and important. 

    When everyone else are afraid to take the leadership position, the sigma male is like a hero rising to the occasion to solve the problem. 

    The sigma male usually leads by example, ensuring that he does not delegate any task to anyone without knowing within himself that he can do these things too. 

    Trait #17: Sigma Males Value Equality 

    Sigma males usually do not respect social hierarchy, discriminatory norms, or social injustices. 

    Even though many people would place sigma males at equal footing with alpha males, they usually see all males as equal, placing lesser emphasis on who is better than the other. Therefore, you would see alpha males dedicate significant time to better each other if other men ask for help. 

    In other words, sigma males do not focus on being better than others but being better versions of themselves. In this way, sigma males do not find satisfaction in being better than others. Rather, sigma males would much rather have more people on the pedestal to reap the benefits of success. 

    Trait #18: Sigma Males Are Adaptable 

    Many males cower behind conflicts, constantly quitting when one small thing does not go their way. Sigma males, on the other hand, focus heavily on making sure that even the smallest things do not affect them. Instead, they constantly persevere to their goals and ambitions regardless 

    Additionally, you would also find sigma males easily adapting to any interaction he will fall under. Although socializing might not really be his preference, he is able to remove his shyness to become the life of the party. 

    If you want to be a sigma male, you need to learn how to make interactions with almost anyone you meet. Soon, you will find yourself the most desirable among that group, the most approachable, and eventually receive numerous invitations to hang out with them again. 

    Trait #19: Sigma Males Are Self-Aware 

    The sigma male does not lie to himself. He understands that he might not be as strong as the alphas, the most influential, or the most likely to take on leadership positions. But by accepting his imperfections, the sigma male tends to highlight his greatest strength while using his personality to offset these insecurities. 

    If these flaws can be improved on, the sigma male would invest time to improve himself, especially in his flaws.  

    Trait #20: Sigma Males Maintains Smaller Relationship Circles 

    The sigma male does not need a large group of friends to feel welcome or important. In fact, you would most likely find sigma males among smaller groups because of how careful he is in choosing those he wants around. 

    If you want to follow in the sigma male’s footsteps, make sure that you carefully understand the kinds of people you want to surround yourself with. As much as possible, be ready to reject those interactions that would do you no good in the long run. 

    Trait #21: Sigma Males Are Not Aggressive 

    Do not get us wrong, sigma males are not weak. If he needs to, the sigma male can successfully defend himself against anyone who might want to harm him. But he does understand that violence is not the best answer. 

    The sigma male knows how to de-escalate situations by remaining as calm as possible even when the other is already showing aggression. 

    Trait #22: Sigma Males Value Authenticity 

    Sigma males do not need to pretend that they are someone else. On the contrary, the sigma male can use his amazing features, skills, and industry to make him more desirable than the others. 

    More importantly, their transparency makes them look more sincere. He has no intention to manipulate anybody, nor use his current power to take advantage of others. 

    In the same way, expect sigma males to tell you the things you do not want to hear. What makes sigma males very good company is that they tell you even the harshest truth if they know that it will benefit you in the long run. 

    Trait #23: Sigma Males Are Open-Minded 

    The sigma male has no intention to impose his ideas and beliefs upon others. Instead, he loves to listen to other perspectives, and is wiling to have his mind changed if the other perspective suits him better. 

    In the same way, you will find no judgement in the sigma male. He will let you live your life and keep your beliefs if it does not hurt him or anyone else. 

    Conclusion and Word of Caution 

    As it turns out, the sigma male becomes usually more desirable than the alpha male. Aside from being a lone wolf, his transparency, candor, and self-motivation encourages more males to become like the sigma male. 

    However, limiting masculinity to the acute definition of sigma male implies that men need to act a certain way, discrediting others who act differently.

    In other words, it is better for you to take the positive qualities of every kind of man and turn yourself into the best version possible.  

    Additionally, it is also not necessary to judge another man if they do not meet the characteristics of a sigma male. There will always be men who are better-functioning societal people under other masculine categories. 

    The sigma male movement is just another way to live your life to the fullest, becoming the best version of yourself. 

    Frequently Asked Questions About Sigma Males 

    Q: Can sigma males maintain romantic relationships? 

    As we said before, the sigma male invests a lot of time in finding the right person to be with. But when he finds the right person to be with, he devotes all the time he can give to cater to her needs, listen to her day, and make her feel special. 

    Q: Is it easy to become a sigma male? 

    It only becomes hard if you do not have the same characteristics that a sigma male has. For example, it might be hard for you to leave the unnecessary relationships around you and replace it with competent people who can help you grow. You might still be in a toxic relationship and have no intention of leaving your partner

    You may still be insecure about a lot of things and are causing you to have a lower self-esteem, resort into vices, and become a different person when you are around other people. 

    If you want to be a sigma male, you will need to invest a lot in yourself. 

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