Every person is different and what triggers the infatuation instinct in one person may not work for another. It’s important to communicate with your partner and understand what makes them feel loved and valued.
How to trigger the infatuation instinct of your man?
1) Show Interest.
Show your man that you are interested in him and his life. Ask him questions about himself and take an active interest in his hobbies and interests.
Showing interest in your man and his life can help to trigger the infatuation instinct. This can be done by asking him about his day, his hobbies, his interests, and his goals. Showing that you are interested in his life and what he has to say can make him feel valued and important.
Here are a few specific ways you can show interest in your man:
- Ask him about his day: When you see him, ask him how his day went and listen to what he has to say.
- Show interest in his hobbies: Ask him about his hobbies and take an active interest in them. If he likes sports, watch a game with him or if he likes photography, ask to see his photos.
- Show interest in his goals: Ask him about his goals, both personal and professional. Show him that you support and believe in him.
- Be interested in his friends and family: Take an interest in his friends and family, ask him about them, and show that you care about the people in his life.
- Show interest in his job or studies: Ask him about his job or studies, and show that you are interested in what he does.
2) Be Confident.

Confidence can be a very attractive trait and can trigger the infatuation instinct in your man. Showing your man that you are confident in yourself and your relationship can make him feel secure and valued.
Here are a few ways you can show confidence in your relationship:
- Be sure of yourself: Show your man that you are sure of yourself and your feelings for him. Speak confidently and be assertive about what you want and need in the relationship.
- Trust in your relationship: Show your man that you trust in your relationship and that you believe in its strength and longevity.
- Show your independence: Show your man that you are independent and capable of taking care of yourself. This can make him feel more secure and confident in the relationship.
- Show your vulnerability: Being open and vulnerable with your man can show him that you trust and believe in him.
- Show your sense of humor: Being able to laugh at yourself and have a sense of humor can show your man that you are confident in who you are.
3) Show Affection.
Show your man affection and physical touch. Hug him, kiss him, and hold his hand to show him that you care.
Showing affection is an important part of any relationship and can help to trigger the infatuation instinct in your man. Physical touch and affection can help to create a deeper connection and make your man feel loved and valued.
Here are a few ways you can show affection to your man:
- Hug him often: Hugs are a simple yet powerful way to show affection. They can help to create a sense of closeness and warmth between you.
- Kiss him: Kissing can be a powerful way to show affection and can help to create a deeper connection.
- Hold his hand: Holding hands is a simple yet meaningful way to show affection.
- Touch him: Touch him affectionately, such as rubbing his back or playing with his hair.
- Show physical affection in public: Showing physical affection in public can make your man feel special and valued.
- Show affection through words: Tell him you love him, compliment him and express your affection through words as well.
4) Be Supportive.
Be supportive of your man and his goals and dreams. Show him that you believe in him and that you are there to support him.
Being supportive of your man and his goals and dreams can help to trigger the infatuation instinct. Showing your man that you believe in him and that you are there to support him can make him feel valued and appreciated.
Here are a few ways you can show support for your man:
- Listen to him: Listen actively when he talks about his goals and dreams, and show that you are interested in what he has to say.
- Help him: Offer to help him with projects or tasks that are important to him.
- Encourage him: Encourage him when he is feeling down or when he is facing a difficult challenge.
- Believe in him: Show him that you believe in him and his abilities.
- Show up for him: Be there for him when he needs you, whether it’s for a big event or a small one.
- Show your interest: Show interest in his passions and hobbies, and try to understand and relate to them.
- Celebrate his successes: Celebrate his successes and accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be.
5) Be Spontaneous.
Add some excitement and spontaneity to your relationship by planning surprise dates or weekend getaways.
Being spontaneous can help to add excitement and novelty to your relationship and can trigger the infatuation instinct in your man. It can also help to keep the spark alive and keep the relationship interesting.
Here are a few ways you can be spontaneous with your man:
- Plan surprise dates: Plan surprise dates or weekend getaways to keep the relationship exciting.
- Do something new: Try something new together, such as a new hobby or activity.
- Be adventurous: Be adventurous and try something daring or exciting together.
- Be creative: Be creative and come up with unique and unexpected ways to show your affection.
- Mix up your routine: Mix up your routine and try new things together.
- Surprise him: Surprise him with a thoughtful gesture or a special gift.
It is important to remember that being spontaneous does not mean being reckless, it’s about being creative, thoughtful, and considerate. It’s also important to communicate with your partner and make sure that you are both on the same page and that the level of spontaneity is comfortable for both of you.
Being spontaneous can help to add excitement and novelty to your relationship and can trigger the infatuation instinct in your man, keeping the relationship interesting and fun.
6) Share Intimate Moments.
Share intimate moments with your man and be open and vulnerable with him. This can help to create a deeper connection and can trigger the infatuation instinct.
Sharing intimate moments with your man can help to create a deeper connection and can trigger the infatuation instinct in your man. It can also help to build trust, intimacy, and positive feelings in the relationship.
Here are a few ways you can share intimate moments with your man:
- Talk about personal topics: Share personal stories and thoughts with your man, this can help to build trust and intimacy.
- Show vulnerability: Be open and vulnerable with your man, this can help to create a deeper connection.
- Share your feelings: Share your feelings and emotions with your man, this can help to build intimacy and trust.
- Spend quality time together: Spend quality time together, whether it’s through a shared hobby, a date night, or a weekend getaway.
- Share physical intimacy: Share physical intimacy through touch, cuddling, and sex.
- Share personal goals and dreams: Share your personal goals and dreams with your man, and encourage him to do the same.
7) Show Gratitude.
Showing gratitude and appreciation for the things your man does for you can help to trigger the infatuation instinct in your man. It can make him feel valued and appreciated, which can strengthen the relationship.
Here are a few ways you can show gratitude to your man:
- Express your appreciation: Express your appreciation and gratitude for the things your man does for you, whether it’s big or small.
- Write a thank you note: Write a thank you note or send a text message to let him know how much you appreciate him.
- Show appreciation in public: Show appreciation and gratitude for your man in public, this can make him feel special and valued.
- Surprise him with a thoughtful gesture: Surprise him with a thoughtful gesture or a special gift to show your appreciation.
- Show appreciation through actions: Show appreciation through actions, such as cooking him a special meal or doing something nice for him.
- Show appreciation through words: Tell him you appreciate him and express your gratitude through words.