If your boyfriend never compliments you, it may be a sign that he is not paying attention to you or doesn’t value you as much as he should.
It can be hurtful and can make you feel unimportant or unloved.
Here are 9 reasons why he never compliments you:
1) He may not be aware of your need for compliments.
It’s possible that your boyfriend is not aware of your need for compliments, and that he is not intentionally ignoring you. People have different ways of expressing affection and appreciation, and some people may find it difficult to express themselves verbally.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend is not aware of your need for compliments:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be specific: When you talk to your boyfriend, be specific about what kind of compliments you would like to receive. For example, “I feel appreciated when you tell me I look nice”
- Be understanding: Try to understand that your boyfriend may not be aware of your need for compliments and that he may not express himself in the same way that you do.
- Show him examples: Show your boyfriend examples of compliments that you find meaningful and encourage him to use similar words or phrases.
- Show appreciation: Show appreciation and gratitude when your boyfriend does compliment you, it will encourage him to continue doing so.
2) He may be going through a difficult time.

Stress, personal problems, or other life challenges can make it difficult for someone to focus on their relationships and give compliments.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may be going through a difficult time and that is why he is not complimenting you. People can be preoccupied with their own problems and may not be able to focus on others.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may be going through a difficult time:
- Ask him about his feelings: Ask your boyfriend how he is feeling and if there is anything he would like to talk about.
- Be understanding: Try to understand that your boyfriend may be going through a difficult time and that he may not be able to express himself in the way that you would like him to.
- Offer support: Offer your boyfriend your support and let him know that you are there for him.
- Encourage him to seek help: Encourage your boyfriend to seek professional help if he is going through a difficult time.
- Take care of yourself: Practice self-care and focus on taking care of your own emotional and physical well-being.
3) He may not have been taught to give compliments.
Some people may not have grown up in an environment where giving compliments was encouraged or modeled.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may not have been taught to give compliments or may not have had positive role models in his life who regularly gave compliments. Some people may not know how to express themselves verbally or may not be comfortable giving compliments.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may not have been taught to give compliments:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be specific: When you talk to your boyfriend, be specific about what kind of compliments you would like to receive.
- Lead by example: Show your boyfriend how to give compliments by giving him genuine and specific compliments on a regular basis.
- Encourage him to learn: Encourage your boyfriend to learn more about giving compliments and expressing appreciation. You can do this by reading books, and articles or watching videos together.
- Be patient: Be patient and give your boyfriend time to adjust and learn how to give compliments.
4) He may not be as emotionally expressive.
Some people are less naturally emotionally expressive and may have a harder time verbalizing their feelings.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may not be as emotionally expressive as you are, and that is why he is not complimenting you. Some people may have a harder time expressing their feelings verbally, and may not know how to give compliments or express affection in the way that you would like them to.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may not be as emotionally expressive:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be open to different forms of expression: Be open to different forms of expression, and be understanding that not everyone expresses their feelings in the same way.
- Encourage him to express himself: Encourage your boyfriend to express himself in a way that he feels comfortable with.
- Show appreciation: Show appreciation and gratitude when your boyfriend does express himself, whether it be verbally or through actions.
- Be understanding: Try to understand that not everyone is as emotionally expressive as others and that it may take time for your boyfriend to become more comfortable expressing himself.
5) He may be feeling insecure.
If your boyfriend is feeling insecure about himself, he may be less likely to give compliments to others, including you.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may be feeling insecure, and that is why he is not complimenting you. Sometimes when people are feeling insecure, they may not feel comfortable expressing themselves verbally or may not know how to give compliments.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may be feeling insecure:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be understanding: Try to understand that your boyfriend may be feeling insecure and that he may not be able to express himself in the way that you would like him to.
- Offer support: Offer your boyfriend your support and let him know that you are there for him.
- Encourage him to seek help: Encourage your boyfriend to seek professional help if he is feeling insecure.
- Take care of yourself: Practice self-care and focus on taking care of your own emotional and physical well-being.
6) He may be unsure of how to compliment you.
He may not know how to give compliments that are specific, meaningful, or well-received.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may not be sure of how to compliment you or may not know what specific compliments would make you feel appreciated. Some people may not have experience giving compliments or may not know what kind of compliments are appropriate.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may be unsure of how to compliment you:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be specific: When you talk to your boyfriend, be specific about what kind of compliments you would like to receive.
- Show him examples: Show your boyfriend examples of compliments that you find meaningful and encourage him to use similar words or phrases.
- Show appreciation: Show appreciation and gratitude when your boyfriend does compliment you, it will encourage him to continue doing so.
- Encourage him to give compliments: Encourage your boyfriend to give you compliments by giving him positive reinforcement when he does.
7) He may feel like he’s already shown you how he feels.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may feel like he has already shown you how he feels about you and therefore does not feel the need to give verbal compliments. Some people may express their feelings through actions rather than words.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may feel like he’s already shown you how he feels:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be open-minded: Be open-minded and understand that people express their feelings in different ways, and not everyone expresses themselves verbally.
- Show appreciation: Show appreciation and gratitude when your boyfriend does show you how he feels through actions, such as cooking you a special meal or taking you out on a date.
- Show him examples: Show your boyfriend examples of verbal compliments that you find meaningful and encourage him to use similar words or phrases.
- Be understanding: Try to understand that your boyfriend may feel like he’s already shown you how he feels and that it may take time for him to become more comfortable expressing himself verbally.
8) He may be taking you for granted.
If he’s in a habit of not giving you compliments, he may be taking your love and affection for granted.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may be taking you for granted, and therefore not feeling the need to give verbal compliments. When people feel secure in a relationship, they may not feel the need to express their feelings as often or as explicitly as they did in the beginning.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may be taking you for granted:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Set boundaries: Set boundaries and let your boyfriend know that you need more verbal affirmation and appreciation in the relationship.
- Show appreciation: Show appreciation and gratitude when your boyfriend does give you verbal compliments.
- Encourage him to express himself: Encourage your boyfriend to express himself and give verbal compliments.
- Reflect on the relationship: Reflect on the relationship and consider if this is an isolated issue or if it’s a sign of deeper issues within the relationship.
9) He may be dealing with deeper issues.
If your boyfriend is not giving you compliments and it’s causing distress in your relationship, he may be dealing with deeper issues that need to be addressed.
It’s possible that your boyfriend may be dealing with deeper issues such as depression, anxiety, stress or other mental health concerns that may be impacting his ability to give verbal compliments. These issues can affect a person’s ability to express their feelings and be emotionally available in a relationship.
Here are a few things you can do if you think your boyfriend may be dealing with deeper issues:
- Communicate your feelings: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel and express your need for verbal affirmation and appreciation. Be honest and clear about what you need from him.
- Be understanding: Try to understand that your boyfriend may be dealing with deeper issues and that he may not be able to express himself in the way that you would like him to.
- Offer support: Offer your boyfriend your support and let him know that you are there for him.
- Encourage him to seek help: Encourage your boyfriend to seek professional help if he is dealing with deeper issues such as mental health concerns.
- Take care of yourself: Practice self-care and focus on taking care of your own emotional and physical well-being.
Are compliments important in a relationship?
Compliments can be an important part of a relationship as they can help build trust, intimacy, and positive feelings between partners. They can also help to maintain a healthy relationship dynamic by expressing appreciation, encouragement, and validation of one’s partner.
T o build self-esteem and self-worth and can make a person feel valued and important. They can also help to improve communication and express love and affection in a relationship.
However, it’s important to remember that compliments are not the only way to express affection and appreciation in a relationship. Actions, physical touch, and quality time can also be important ways of showing love and affection. Additionally, it is important to recognize that some people may not be as comfortable giving or receiving compliments, and it’s important to respect that.
In general, it is important to communicate your needs and feelings with your partner and to be open to different forms of expression. If compliments or verbal affirmations are important to you, it’s important to express that to your partner and to work together to find a balance that works for both of you.