Nobody gives a shit about you and that’s okay

have you ever sat around and thought to yourself “nobody gives a shit about me” well, you’re not the only person that thinks that way in fact tons of people feel that way every single day.

We have this strange expectation that people will care about us for no reason. maybe it has something to do with our schooling or social conditioning but generally speaking people don’t really give a shit about you. They mostly care about themselves

That’s just how we are as human beings. we are very self-interested and self-absorbed. If you want to become successful you have to stop thinking that people are going to care about you.

Nobody cares about what you want or what you do

This world and the people in it are worried about themselves. That’s totally OK though. the sooner that you let go of the idea of people caring about you and caring what you think and what you do the sooner you can focus on the actions that you do take.

Your boss, your friends, your family, your relationship, what all have varying degrees that they will show how much they do care bout you but at the end of the day if you were a complete fuck up there not going to sit around forever making sure that you make it.

Research published in the Journal of Neuroscience and reported by The Times shows that

“People are more likely to give when they think it will make them feel better. They donate, for example, when they feel hope about putting smiles on those expectant and suffering faces. And that hope, or similar feel-good sensations, are driven by the brain‘s reward systems.”

if you want to be successful you have to create success because nobody else is going to do it for you. finding a mentor is a great way to shortcut success because they’ve already walked the path that you want to walk.

if you want to look at the world through a specific lens think of the lens of value. People do what’s valuable for themselves. you need to do what’s valuable for yourself. at the end of the day if you want to become successful and get shit done it comes down to the choices and decisions that you make.

Let’s say somebody decides to donate a whole bunch of money or time to a specific cause or person they do it because it makes him feel good. is that necessarily a bad thing? no, I don’t think so.

Honestly, if you have more people like that, I think that the world would be a better place. as I’ve gotten better and better at business, I have wanted to help other people more and more. At the end of the day, it does make me feel good to do that.

when it comes to relationships they’re thinking “what’s in it for me?”

that’s why women go after high-value men because they get the most bang for their buck. this isn’t just saying that she won’t get turned on by a regular guy but she will think about what she gets out of it as her primary focus.

People have really been fooled by Disney and the idea of relationships and love versus what love and attraction really are. if you want people to love you and like you more give more to the world. Give more value.

how do you give more value when you don’t know anything

You have to pick a specific skill and stick to that skill for quite some time. it could be six months, it could be a year. then deliver that skill to whoever needs it.

an example would be a fitness trainer. if you’re in good shape you can help other people get in good shape. there’s a really good quote by zig Ziglar it says

“Help enough people get what they want, and you will get what you want”

Personally, I learned all about search engine optimization and YouTube. Now I’m able to make multiple six figures a year with both of those combined skills.

The problem is people don’t really know how to focus long enough. if you want help or coaching or mentorship on any of this stuff just got my coaching page here.

You can become something big if you really want to but you have to let go of the idea of somebody else wanting to do it for you. if you stay focused on one thing you will absolutely crush that one thing and help other people crush that thing.

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