So you’ve been crushing on this dude for a while and can’t seem to gather the courage to tell him how you feel. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this struggle. It’s a big deal to let a guy know you’re into him, especially if you have a solid friendship. But hey, that’s how many amazing relationships start – even though tons of experts say not to date your friends. You’ve got good reason to be scared, but let’s be real, if you really want to be with this guy, you’ve got to find a way to tell him without causing a life-long drama fest. Here’s how you can talk to him about your feelings without freaking out.

How do you know you’re really into him??

Are you smitten with some dude and not sure if it’s love or just a passing crush? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s how to tell if you’re really into a guy:

  1. Are you constantly checking your phone, hoping to see a message from him?
  2. Do you get all giddy and nervous when you see him?
  3. Do you find yourself daydreaming about your future together (complete with matching sweaters and golden retrievers)?
  4. Do you go out of your way to make sure you look extra cute whenever you know you’ll be seeing him?
  5. Do you want to share all the intimate details of your life with him (even the embarrassing ones)?

If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, it’s safe to say you’re into this guy. But before you go confessing your love to him, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

This will be hard and might change things

It can be difficult to admit our feelings to someone, especially if we are unsure of how they feel in return.

This is especially true when it comes to romantic feelings, as rejection can be painful and difficult to cope with. However, it is important to remember that expressing our feelings can be a healthy and necessary step in personal growth and relationships.

By being honest about how we feel, we are able to take control of our own emotions and let the other person know where we stand.

It is also important to be prepared for the possibility that the other person may not feel the same way, and to be okay with whatever their response may be.

It can be helpful to remind ourselves that we can’t control their feelings or reaction, but we can control our own actions and communication. Ultimately, being honest about how we feel can lead to a greater sense of clarity and understanding in any relationship.


  1. Communicate directly and honestly: One of the most straightforward ways to tell a guy you’re into him is to simply tell him. This can be intimidating, but it’s often the most effective and respectful way to communicate your feelings.
  2. Show interest in his interests: Another way to show a guy you’re into him is to show interest in his interests and hobbies. This can be as simple as asking him about his passions and actively listening to what he has to say.
  3. Use body language: Nonverbal cues can be a powerful way to communicate attraction. Smiling, maintaining eye contact, and leaning in when he speaks are all ways to show a guy you’re interested.
  4. Invite him to do something: Asking a guy to do something with you is a subtle way to let him know you’re interested. This can be as simple as asking him to grab a coffee or go for a walk.
  5. Compliment him: Complimenting a guy on his appearance or specific qualities can be a subtle way to show your interest. Just make sure to be sincere and avoid overdoing it.
  6. Flirt: Flirting can be a fun and playful way to show a guy you’re interested. This can include teasing, making playful jokes, or touching his arm or shoulder in a light and friendly way.
  7. Be open and available: Letting a guy know that you’re open and available to hang out or spend time together can be a subtle way to show your interest. This can be as simple as saying yes when he asks if you want to hang out, or suggesting a specific activity you’d like to do together.
  8. Share personal details: Sharing personal details and stories with a guy can be a way to show him that you trust and value him. This can be a subtle way to show your interest and can help to build a deeper connection between the two of you.

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