I Miss My Ex: Why Do I Feel This Way and What Should I Do?

Reminiscing the good times that you and your ex spent together is common, especially when you two separated or broke up recently. To say “I miss my ex” is a typical emotion, especially when you think about what you two could’ve been. Regretting an action you might have done, or a word you might have said is easy to start.

Sometimes, we take things for granted, not value the person we should’ve, like other people. Yet, we realize things after the breakup, thinking you need to do whatever it takes to get back to your ex. That’s when the phrase “I miss my ex” crosses your mind.

Being in a relationship is not a sprint but a marathon. People tend to put little effort into relationships after a while. If you’re one of these heartbroken people, this article is what you need. You’ll understand more why you get the feeling of “I miss my ex,” and you’ll find ways to overcome his feeling until you get back together.

signs your ex will eventually come back

Why Do I Feel This Way? Why Do I Miss My Ex?

A breakup is not only a big setback but a realization that all the things you imagined doing with someone disappeared overnight. What you’re feeling is normal because your feelings overwhelm you, making you miss your ex more.

Breakups can be depressing. It’s depressing not to be able to carry on with daily obligations and activities because you’re occupied with the pain. This feeling can even lead you to not being able to do your responsibilities, skipping work, or sleeping the whole day, which is not very productive.

The sadness you feel after a breakup may be like how a person mourns after a loved one’s death. You feel the futility of knowing that what you have will never be the same, which impacts a person’s mind. On the other hand, sadness is not permanent.

Since the sadness caused by a breakup is temporary, you can bounce back to a better version of yourself, and what’s even better is that it’s even possible to win your ex back.

You will undoubtedly stop saying, “I miss my ex,” by doing the right things and evolving in the right ways. You can get back together once you prove that you can make your ex cheerful in the long run.

What Should I Do to Stop Missing My Ex and Recover?

Take a deep breath and stop panicking. It’s possible to recover from this mental state. What you need to keep in mind is the best way to recover. The secret is making yourself to be active as much as possible.

Even when you don’t want to go out of bed, you have to force yourself to go out of bed. You have to force yourself to leave the house to achieve your goals, especially the goals you set for the day or the entire week.

Strive to achieve something bigger for yourself or someone else. When you do, it becomes easier to set intermediate goals, even the small ones. These goals help in motivating you to push yourself in the morning and go further.

Before you think of getting back together with your ex, you must first make sure you get out of your depressive mental state. Park your plan in getting back together and be active in doing things for yourself first. Good things will happen along the way.

Consider a “to-do list” and try your best to complete that list. As days pass by, that list will grow easier until it becomes easier for you to be active. As you continue this process, you’ll have the motion to turn your situation around until you become better.

How a Healthy Mindset Can Heal Your Broken Heart

The mind is powerful enough to get you out of your negative mental state. It’s one reason your mindset should help you bounce back until you’re ready to position yourself to win back your ex.

Once negative emotions hit you and impact your mindset, you will feel defeated. You will not have the chance to fix things and convince your ex to be with you again. It would help if you had a positive mind, as most people who succeed in winning back their exes also have established minds.

Another tip to consider if you want to position yourself in the best condition is to let go of all the negative emotions or thoughts. It’s important to release these thoughts, so you can focus on how you can start again with your ex when you have the chance. Speak positively during the day until you reprogram your mindset to be in a new optimistic dynamic.

The no-contact rule

Aside from being optimistic, it would be best to stop speaking about how sad or depressed you are, especially to your friends or family. It’s also best to stop feeling sorry. Only speak in an optimistic and inspiring way. Someday, those thoughts will be a reality.

Should I Start Dating Again to Heal My Heart?

Dating again is not a bad idea if you want to move on. You can regain your confidence amazingly by putting yourself back on the market. Dating can prove how you can still be appealing until you recover your perspective.

If you’re still thinking of “I miss my ex” and you can’t date anyone, you have the choice to consider other ways that will not involve dating. It would help if you had a game plan that would suit you. If you think you cannot love anyone else, you’ll end up losing your chance to get back with your ex. You’ll continuously think you’re not good enough with this mindset. Worse, you might end up pleading and begging for more chances since you’re afraid to let go.

If you want to feel better, focus on recovering from a negative mindset first. Once you’re mentally healthier, your ex will change how to view your perspective. That’s the best time to come up with a plan for how you can restart things.

Instead of pushing your ex away because of having a negative mental state, step back and fix that state first. Once you recover from the depression and sadness of the breakup and you start becoming active again, you can begin again. You can see the strengths you once showed at the beginning of the relationship, especially the traits she liked. After recovering, you will not have to tell others, “I miss my ex,” because you’ll finally be with them again.

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