Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back

Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back

So many people are going through breakups and most people will wonder if they can see any signs your ex will eventually come back

so many people automatically want their ex back without thinking why it might not be such a good idea

The ego is a strange thing. I am writing this to you as a dude who has coached over 1000 people in a one-on-one setting through voice calls and text

for a bit of this blog post I will cover a few reasons why people need space after a breakup. If you want to skip right to the signs they will come back then go down the page

I still do it to this day and almost everyone who gets dumped instantly wants their ex back

Now, most of you are probably going ” DUH ” but I want you to really think about it

Do you really want them back? or do you want to get them back so you can hurt them?

Many of the guys and girls I coach want their ex to feel the way they do

I’m only telling you this because I want you to analyze how you’re feeling and thinking before you start looking around on the internet for answers

I will provide those answers anyways but I do really care about you. I went through exactly what you went through

I was cheated on more than once and left in the dust by women. I know how it feels to want them to hurt as you do right now

Signs your ex will eventually come back

Signs your ex will eventually come back

Hope is a very powerful emotion/feeling

When you spend years with someone we sort of put on these blinders. Certain problems will arise and never really get solved

In my opinion, people walk away because of too much negativity over a consistent period of time

usually, this is because of two reasons

  • Complacency
  • insecurity

now a lot of people like to overcomplicate their breakup. after many coaching calls, i can usually find out what’s been going on and narrow it down to one if not both of these two things

i will write a whole post about why people break up so i won’t go too far into it now

Hope can fool you into denial mode.

This is when you completely ignore all the red flags simply because you don’t want to accept the truth.

So many people want to get right back into the swing of things as well. Thinking they can just solve the problem as they go

As attraction falls your significant other will want space and time from you. They do this to figure out how they feel about going forward with you

once this happens they need time to remember how they once felt about you

When they have had that time they will consider coming back to you but they need the space first

How long does it take for ex’s to come back around

It can take quite some time for an ex to come back around. days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years!

now I would never suggest waiting years for someone. I actually never suggest waiting for someone at all

I firmly believe if they decided to walk away from you that you should walk away too but only to focus on yourself

Do ex’s come back?

Yes, all the time

in my personal coaching I have helped many many men get their ex’s back

I do coach women as well but my main focus is helping men

I won’t lie to you… The percentage isn’t high. Most of the time after a breakup many mistakes have been made which just kill attraction like Begging and pleading

Signs your ex will eventually come back

You don’t want your ex to return to you out of pity. They will see you as weak and not attractive.

I understand that you don’t want to be in pain. It totally sucks but pain is the greatest teacher. You are being shown that something in your life is not working

You are also being shown that you can totally control the outcome if you put your focus in the right place

I get this question all the time

What are the chances i will get my ex back?

People are asking this because they can’t help but think this way. They want to know how long they will have to wait and endure this pain

This kind of thinking removes any kind of power you have over the situation and puts everything onto your ex

What I want you to do is take your power back and focus it all on you. Focus it on things YOU CAN CONTROL

The first thing I get all my students to do is to read a bunch of books and study them. They take notes.

I do this for one main reason. If she came back tomorrow do you really think you could keep her for a long period of time?

the answer is no. Not much changes over the course of a few weeks to a few months

People really only proactively change if they are forced to

So I get them to read

I get them to study healthy relationships skills, Attraction skills, how to make more money, etc

Anyone reading this should do the same (link here for money coaching)

Don’t forget about you

This is so common. People are so hyper fixated on their ex they totally forget about their own energy

You are a human being with gifts, talents, and stuff you like to do

You also most likely have some bad habits that you need to focus on and clean up

This is the time to fix yourself up

Don’t listen to people who tell you ” YOU’RE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE” utter nonsense

we all need to do self-work. See yourself like a project that needs constant work and self-care but you should also know you will never be perfect

Ok FINALLY lets get into the signs your ex will eventually come back

They broke up with you when they were angry

ahhhh the heat of the moment. Sometimes we find ourselves yelling, screaming, arguing, etc

trying so hard to convince the other person they’re wrong

Trying to prove a point

Now, fellas, you are never going to win an argument when a woman is emotional. DON’T EVEN TRY

Should you roll over like a simp? NO. you need to know how to control yourself and not get emotional as well

Far too many guys try to argue with a woman and then wonder what the hell happened after the fight is done

Always remember when a relationship gets too negative for too long EVENTUALLY someone will want out. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter.

People don’t want to be around negativity all the time. It’s draining and exhausting

Im sure we all know an energy vampire or two in our lives. People that just always negative

Many of the coaching calls I do are men trying to figure out what’s going on and they simply weren’t masculine anymore. They lost their mojo so to speak

When this happens guys tend to get really irritable, emotional, quick to anger, etc

When you do this too often with your woman she will eventually want some space from you which is the first sign of trouble

This is when the most arguments happen because she waiting for you to jump back to your masculine self and you want her to stop being emotional

it’s this roller coaster of emotion and miscommunication

When this happens too often a breakup can happen in the heat of the moment

This goes for the ladies too. Men will eventually get tired of a woman if she no longer takes care of her side of the deal in a relationship.

I’ve coached many women and they found themselves getting lazy in their relationships. The men walk and they want to know how to fix it.

It’s the same process


No more fighting and arguing which means one of you needs to take a leadership role and lead by example

And here we are again talking about WORKING ON YOURSELF

If they broke up with you in this state they were clearly too upset to think rationally. Many people have this kind of breakup because everything is just too much

not too long afterwards you talk and work things out. I have seen this quite a few times as a coach. I tell all my students to remain strong and focused on growth

Especially staying away from getting angry and stopping the fights before they escalate into full-blown arguments

there is a good chance of them coming back if you guys broke up this way

They will calm down and start to think rationally

Now, this kind of communication needs to stop and it needs to be a much more healthy form of communication. If you need help with that hit my coaching page up

What should you do if you guys broke up during an argument

Start thinking about how you got here. again it’s not healthy to argue like this. Yet it is all too common.

That goes to show you how little people know about healthy communication since its something that is taught and shown to you

Having a mediator like a relationship therapist or coach will help sit in and listen to both sides.

One of the most important things to keep a relationship healthy is proper communication

when people don’t feel like they are heard it leads to resentment. Lingering resentment leads to a loss of attraction because the relationship is now too negative in that person’s eyes

When this happens all the positive stuff about the relationships goes out the window and the whole thing just spirals downwards

When you guys get back together after this make sure you focus heavily on communication and having more fun and positive experiences together

Your relationship was mostly positive

When I was going through. my breakups this is what I believe the main reason for them coming back was. I lost all my girlfriends to being a total complacent simp back in the day

when a relationship has brought a lot of positive feelings and emotions to people for a long time they don;t really just FORGET about it.

Some people will and some won’t

Now if the relationship was full of abuse, yelling, fighting, just straight up negativity you have a much lower chance of them returning because they have painted the picture in their head of you and the relationship as a toxic place to be

People who have good self-esteem are going to stay away from toxic and negative places

Never assume that someone will come back around though. Like I mentioned above you need to focus on the issues at hand

  • trust
  • respect
  • communication
  • boundaries
  • compromise

These are the foundations to any great relationship and when even ONE of these things are off the whole thing falls apart

The love is still there

So many people will come back for unknown reasons. I’ve had guys reach out to me and they tell me that they have no idea why she came back… she just did.

That means the love is still there but they needed time and space to figure it out

In order for them to come back, they must miss you. They need time to remember this and mostly FEEL this

Too many people will needlessly chase ( i understand it’s hard to control) thinking that is the right move to get your ex to come back around

Your ex wants to see you and they keep contacting you

This can leave many people confused. I don’t like that this happens either because if they want to be away from you they should remain away and that’s exactly what I tell my students to do

at the beginning of a breakup the person wants to be away from you and whatever negativity drove them away

Then when they feel better they know the weight of the decision they made and they regret it. This usually happens to people who make rash decisions out of emotion

as time goes by they start reaching out more and more and eventually they want to see you

They might message you as well. Now what I always tell my students to do is try to meet up with them. Offer a coffee and a walk type of thing

something lowkey so they don’t feel overwhelmed by the interaction

When things are too heavy too fast people will back off and reset which will just confuse you more

See if they will meet up with you. Again don’t take this too seriously. This is just the beginning. I want you to imagine your relationship hit a massive reset button.

So many of my coaching students want to PICK UP WHERE THEY LEFT OFF which is a huge mistake

go slow and have fun. Show a positive attitude. Show them you’ve been working on yourself

What you should do if they actually do want to see you

Look good, smell good, walk tall with confidence, act like the prize, and don’t treat them like a celebrity

Treat them like a celebrity and you will get treated like a fan

no idea who said this but its good

If they keep seeing you in person, the chances keep going up and up each time you see them. Just remember not to act too much like a friend

needy/desperate energy will repel your ex FAST

they can smell it when you are dying to have them back in your life

in other words, one of the most attractive things you can do is act like you’re a prize and they should love to be in a position to work things out with you

Don’t act like a cocky douche either though. there is a balance here

make sure you took enough time away from them to let the emotions calm down

Sometimes people rush back into things without letting the emotions calm down

Avoid talking about the relationship and all the good times even though that’s all you want to do. if they bring it up then fine but your only focus is having a good time

They didn’t want to do it but they felt they had to

Sometimes what will happen is the relationship has been negative or maybe the last fight you guys had was particularly nasty and they feel they need to walk away for a while

When there is too much negativity a relationship can be complicated. emotions run high and people need to breather

if you hear them say they need time to breathe and relax there is a good chance they will come back but again as i said above the root cause of the issue needs to be solved and fixed before you can continue

As they come back around they will test the waters with you and see what your attitude is going to be like

sometimes there is a barrage of tests they will throw at you to see if you fold and bend back the way you were before

That’s why it’s important to know how to handle communication and tests from your partner

On the other side of this coin, there is a chance that your ex will just move on because they “see the light” so to speak

Do you know why they had to walk away?

Is this something they have been really clear about since the beginning of the end?

Did they tell you exactly why they decided to leave because sometimes it’s just unclear to the dumpee.

If you don’t know simply ask and listen WITHOUT GETTING DEFENSIVE AND ANGRY

this person is ready to walk away from you. This person is tired and they need to be heard by you

A good thing to do is repeat back to them everything they said about how they feel

” when I did this, it made you feel like that?”

this is music to your ex’s ears because they are being heard by you

Your ex is going to want to know that YOU know the issues in the relationship. This especially goes for women

Women don’t want to teach a man how to be a man in a relationship

I’m pointing this out because too many men are treating their girls like mommy

Now before you start getting all down in the dumps you have to remember you’re human and you’re learning

Nobody taught you how to do all this properly

This stuff isn’t taught in school and you are learning through experience

I have many students that beat themselves up all day because they “should have known”

let it go and realize you will learn and adapt as all humans do

You had an ON again OFF again relationship

this goes hand in hand with the point of they still have love for you and they are hopeful that you and him/her are going to be able to make things work

I’ve seen people who are on and off again all the time and they think they are done and then they are back together next week

This is normally because there is one major thing that is causing a huge rift between them but they are compatible in all other areas and there is a ton of love there

Most of the time there isn’t a whole lot that needs to be done for this kind of relationship to continue

a simple text saying hi will work for them as it will escalate from there

I was personally in an on and off again relationship when I was young (15 – 19 years old)

we loved each other a lot of so many things about us were negative. I won’t go into it here but I will write a whole post about it and link it here when it’s done

you might even know someone that is in one of these relationships and from the outside it seems so toxic but when you’re in it its different

don’t get me wrong it is toxic but it can be fixed if both people learned to communicate the issues

Is this a situation you’re in?

the pattern will repeat itself if you don’t become aware of the issue and work towards a resolution

a vast amount of people think relationships can just fix themselves because… love I guess?

let me point something out to you

a relationship is TWO people CHOOSING to spend TIME together

Those two individuals have sole responsibility for making the relationship work. it takes work if there is a real issue

the most successful relationships seem effortless and if they actually are those two people understand the foundations mentioned above

Having a healthy relationship is what most people want. Some people just don’t know what that even means. Some people are raised around such toxicity they can’t fathom what a normal relationship is

Normal relationships that are healthy have all the foundations listed above along with the idea they are a team

toxic relationships are one VS the other and that’s how they both see it

if you want a healthy relationship a team-focused mindset is crucial

if the person wants nothing to do with a healthy relationship with you MOVE ON

Life is far too short for you to stay around negative people who actually want toxicity in their lives

They contact your friends and family often

The hardest thing about a relationship ending is the family

All the time spent together and letting that all go is like a whole separate relationship ending itself.

Your ex will sometimes keep in contact with your family and friends because they are unsure about how long they will stay away from you for

a lot of the time your ex doesn’t want to cut all ties with you because a big part of them believes they can get you back anytime

I don’t want you to be a doormat and just wait around for them but if you see this behavior from them then its a clear sign they might come back in the future

I call this dumpers confidence

If you hear from your ex directly then you should again try to work on things and see them. Don’t let them jerk you around. This is where being CLEAR about what YOU want is key.

If YOU want to work on things make that clear. Sometimes they will reach out to you simply because they want to know you’re still there.

Remember this is a time for self-growth and reflection. Time alone is key for you.

You are both aware of the issue and still want to make it work

This does happen. Some people don’t fully break up. They just take space from each other because of various reasons

External events can totally cause stress. With the events going on in the world right now it has been a terrible time for relationships

Sometimes stress from a job or lack thereof can cause so much stress you forget you’re even in a relationship that needs love

Now fixing this is easy if you both want it and you both recognize the issues

take the time to heal and get clear about the whole relationship and your significant other

time provides an excellent perspective on relationships

sometimes people think they want their ex’s back and then a few months go by and they wonder what they were thinking

Fixing the root causes of the relationship needs to be front and center for both of you

especially if you have kids

kids will watch everything around them and mimic that

kids need to see what real love between two people looks like WITH the right foundations in place

Stay together for the kids isn’t always a good thing if you and your ex can’t communicate with each other

After doing so many coaching calls the main problems i notice are actually individual ones

For example, a lot of men I coach feel like they aren’t enough. Not enough for their girls or the world

I ask them what they do and they live a life they hate

The relationship is the best part of their day which is totally backward

You want to be inviting people into your awesome world. To share it with them.

So many people are living purposeless lives and look to their relationship to make them happy when in fact their own lives are empty and sad

this is a major focus in my coaching program

I make sure we focus on your day-to-day life and find out what it is you LOVE to do.

This is will flow outwards into all areas of your life

your relationship will be awesome because you’re already happy and you’re sharing your happiness with them

anybody reading this should do that. Your relationship is not the only focus of your life it’s just a part of it

You are the only person living in your body so you control what you do and don’t do

Can you increase your chances of getting them back?

Yes if you do hardcore focus on yourself

nobody is coming to save you and your relationship

it’s on you. it’s on you to become aware of the issue and then action is needed to fix the said issue

if you have problems work on fixing them. Money problems, emotional problems, commitment problems, whatever it may be

it’s time to stop the denial and focus.

The more you wonder when your ex is coming back the longer it’s going to take for you to realize you’re in total control of your life and actions.

How you think will influence how you act which will influence how you feel

Start with learning about what you did wrong and then think about what you did right and double down on that

making a relationship awesome is just about getting rid of the negativity and making that relationship an awesome place to be

check out the youtube channel for more information




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Joe Russo

So, I am 58 and I think I am outside your demographic. It feels like you are talking to guys in there late 20s 30s &low 40s.

I felt I was too old but I am not. We broke up on April 12th 2021. Divorced on Sept 3rd. So 10 months now.

She is dating someone already. Rebound. I am taking time to improve. Grass is greener syndrome.

32 year marriage. I have a therapist. It’s a she so a little disconnect. Your videos have helped and I am treating myself like I am 40 and divorced.

I am now on the dating market. Really different and weird. Lots of needy women. I evolved to needy in the marriage. I AM now NOT needy.

But after knowing her for 34 years. Shouldn’t I consider taking her back if she were to figure stuff out? You said to NOT take your ex back if she went out with someone so soon.

Really hoping I hear back!
Joe Russo

If you sit around wondering when your ex is going to come back around you’re just communicating to her you don’t understand your own worth

Very good blog you have here but I was wanting to
know if you knew of any community forums that cover the same topics talked about
in this article? I’d really love to be a part of
community where I can get advice from other experienced individuals that share the same interest.
If you have any recommendations, please let me know.
Thanks a lot!

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